Some things to look at...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Residing in the Twin Cities

William, age 3, Valkyrie Superfan
I claim current residence in Minneapolis, MN.  Only a long 5 hours from my homeland of Milwaukee, WI, the Twin Cities is a familiar resting place.  I am here to play rugby with the Valkyries, and to do an assortment of other things.  Though, the "other things" were not well specified or planned, and therefore I have been filling my time with random work and distractions.  Four rugby players and a boyfriend occupy our three bedroom flat.  I share a room with my sister, Laura... we have bunk beds.

Rugby in the Women's Premiere League is pretty serious.  We travel every third weekend during the Fall season, which is fun, but really expensive.  Luckily I am highly skilled in both man and woman work:  I can paint your house or clean out your cupboards,  I can babysit your children, take their picture, help them with an art project or potty train them.  Or, let me take your dogs for a walk, or move heavy objects, lawn care ... in any case I have skills.  These skills have been particularly helpful this fall as the Vintage Valks have put my skills to great use. However, I do not hope my future endeavors include these skills as a sole source of income; and thus, my intentions for career sized employment hold weight along side my return to Milwaukee, my dire need to play rugby, a few large bills and happiness.

I blame this limbo land of decision making on age.  I recently turned 24.  That means just a few months ago I was 23, which means that I was at the worst age of all.  The age of 23 is a bumble way of confusion and unknowning.  It's like adult puberty, only worse because the outside world can't tell by your awkward posture.  You are stuck between young adult and real adult, and your developmental status is based on your "accomplishments".  The direct path towards employment, marriage and middle life is appealing; especially when you can pay your bills and still go out on the weekends.  Though, I've known for a long time that my conventions seem more like a zigzag, than a straight line.  The direct path is for those who know what they want, and know how to get there.  And now that I am out of the terror of 23 (and beyond self induced panic), I am more aware of what I want.  But where do you go when you want it all?  Where do you live, where do you work and how do you define yourself when your paths pull you in all directions?

My plan of attack has been whispered in my ear since birth: "one step at a time" (Mom is very wise on this subject matter such).  And thus; the Valkyries (myself included) are off to Nationals this weekend!  We will be competing in the top four tier.  How did we get there?... only we know!  Wish us luck and a little composure... and stay tuned! (you can get an up to date news feed from the games on our facebook page! MN Valkyries

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